Transparency Act - Åpenhetsloven
Respect for internationally recognized human rights is a fundamental part of doing business. This year, we are releasing our first human rights statement. In the report can read about the human rights due diligence activities we have carried out in line with the OECD Guidelines on Multinational Corporations and the UNGPs.
The main objective of this process is to identify, prevent and mitigate any negative human rights impacts caused by our products or activities. It fulfills BRIGHT's duty to report yearly under the Norwegian Act relating to Enterprises' Transparency and Work on Fundamental Human Rights and Decent Working Conditions (Åpenhetsloven). To read, please click on "Download" below.
Requests for information under Åpenhetsloven can be submitted to transparency@bright-products.com For any questions related to this report, you can contact our Sustainability & Partnership Manager, Lorena Muñoz Carmona, at lorena@bright-products.com
BRIGHT Human Rights Statement 2023-2024
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