Collaborative efforts in Sustainable Procurement: Insights from the Humanitarian Innovation Programme Webinar
In the quest for a sustainable future, one of the most significant misconceptions around sustainable procurement is that it is solely the responsibility of procurement departments. However, as Claire Barnhoorn, CEO and founder of Solvoz, emphasized during a recent webinar, sustainable procurement is a collaborative effort that must be driven from the management level and integrated into broader organizational strategies: "It's about setting sustainability targets in our policies and how we specify the technical criteria of our products and supplier assessments."
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How does a solar panel work?
The Sun is 4.5 billion years and an abundant source of clean and renewable energy, hitting the Earth with the equivalent output of around 1000 watts per m2 on a cloudless day. We can now easily convert solar energy into electricity thanks to solar panels. But how exactly do they work?
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Replace disposable batteries with solar energy
Did you know that a solar lamp from BRIGHT can replace up to 8,500 disposable batteries?
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