Replace input port electronics board
Follow the guide below:
Required tools
Screwdriver: Torx T5
Screwdriver: Torx T6
Electronic circuit board (PCB)
Step 1
Unscrew lamp casing

Unscrew lamp casing
Using a Torx T6 screwdriver, carefully remove the 3 screws at the bottom of the case.
Screws are small and light, so make sure to place them in a safe spot to avoid losing them.
Step 2
Open the plastic casing

Open the plastic casing
Carefully separate the two parts of the plastic casing. Do not pull too fast, as a battery cable keeps them together.
Step 3
Pull battery out from bottom casing

Pull battery out from bottom casing
Gently pull out the battery.
If the battery is locked very tight, pull firmly but with care not to damage the cables.

Avoid using sharp tools such as pliers, which may damage or break the cables to the battery. This is a safety hazard!
DO NOT use sharp edge tools to pull battery out.
Step 4
Disconnect battery from electronics board (PCB)
Disconnect battery from electronics board (PCB)
Depending on the version of your lamp, the battery will be attached to the PCB in one of two ways.

1. If your lamp's battery has a connector:
The connector consists of a socket soldered to the electronic circuit board (PCB) and a plug attached to the battery cables. Using your fingers, gently pull the plug out of the socket. (Pulling on the entire connector might lead to breaking the solder.)

You might find silicon glue around the connector; remove it by simply pulling the connector away.

2. If your lamp's battery cables are soldered directly to the electronic circuit board (PCB), there is no connector:
In this case, you will need to use a soldering iron to melt the connection and be able to pull the cables out. Alternatively, you may clip the cables one at a time.
Step 5
Unscrew electronics board.

Unscrew electronics board.
Using a Torx T5 screwdriver, remove the 2 screws from the board. One or both might be hidden behind the black foam piece.
Screws are small and light, so make sure to place them in a safe spot to avoid losing them.

Step 6
Lift up electronics board

Lift up electronics board
Carefully pry up the PCB using a knife or a flathead screwdriver. Once you can see its edges, you can use your fingers to lift and rotate it to expose the underside.
Be careful not to pull too far/hard, as the circuit board is soldered to two more wires underneath.

Step 7
Remove damaged PCB

Remove damaged PCB
This step requires specialized equipment for soldering, as well as important safety considerations:
Before starting to solder, make sure to wear protective eyewear, and after soldering, make sure to wash your hands thoroughly to remove any remaining chemicals.
Heat the two soldered contact points using a soldering iron, as shown below. When the solder turns into a liquid, lightly pull the PCB so that the cable being held behind is released. Repeat the step for both cables to fully release the circuit board.
Step 8
Dispose old PCB as eWaste.

Dispose old PCB as eWaste.
The PCB you removed contains valuable materials and minerals. To maximize its chances of being recycled, it should be disposed of as e-waste and handed over to a recycler.
Step 9
Place in new PCB

Place in new PCB
Install the new PCB into a plastic casing; while doing so, align and insert the red cable with the hole marked as (+) in the circuit board. Do the same for the black cable into the hole marked as (-).
Step 10
Solder new PCB

Solder new PCB
Heat up the area and the cable on one of the contact points with a soldering iron. After a few seconds, bring the soldering tin close and melt a small amount enough to cover the exposed cable.
Remove the iron, and the solder will have hardened after a few seconds. Repeat this step on the second contact.

The right amount of soldering tin looks similar to this image.
Step 11
Reassemble the lamp

Reassemble the lamp
Reverse each step from steps 5 to 1 to reassemble the lamp.